Friday, April 18, 2025

Ed Kuepper - Solo At Last!

April 18, 2025
Doors 8pm, Show 8.30pm @ The Archies Creek Hall

Friday, April 18, 2025

Reserved Seating $63 +bf

Reserved Seating (ACA Members) $58 +bf

General Admission $55 +bf

General Admission (ACA Members) $50 +bf

$60 @ The Door (If still available, check with venue)

"We haven't done this in years... time flies, surprisingly it's been some years since I've done any solo shows, solo and behold... that is what I'm going to do! I'll be trying out some new songs, and deconstructing some audience favs and some older beloved tunes in a relatively loving and spontaneous way. Do join me dear friends" - Ed Kuepper.

With his bands The Saints and Asteroid Ekosystem taking precedence in recent times, plus a collaboration with Dirty Three drummer Jim White, it’s no wonder 2019 was the last time legendary Australian singer / songwriter Ed Kuepper toured nationally as a solo artist. But here we are, at last.

The tour comes off the back of a new album After the Flood, recorded with the afore mentioned Jim White in May 2023 and released this March 21 via Remote Control.

After The Flood features eight Kuepper originals digging on the material from his past; The Saints, Laughing Clowns and his own lengthy solo career.


Reserved Seating $63 +bf

Reserved Seating (ACA Members) $58 +bf

General Admission $55 +bf

General Admission (ACA Members) $50 +bf

$60 @ The Door (If still available, check with venue)